Food & Drink

Cabarrus is for Coffee Lovers

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The local coffee scene has grown by leaps and bounds, 这意味着你在卡巴拉斯县有很多选择来喝一杯好咖啡.

January 4, 2024

2012年布莱恩·弗里曼从西雅图搬到皇冠hg0088正网网址, he missed the abundance of local coffee options, 他只能从西海岸的烘焙商那里订购咖啡豆. However, 在过去的十年里,咖啡在卡巴罗斯遍地开花, which means that Freeman, who opened Cairn Coffee Roasters 现在可以在家附近找到美味的咖啡了. “当地有许多咖啡店,提供来自世界各地咖啡种植区的非常有趣的咖啡,” he says.


Blaine Freeman, Cairn Coffee Roasters

无论你是想从咖啡师那里点一杯,还是从当地的烘焙师那里买一袋新鲜烘焙的咖啡豆,然后在家里煮, Cabarrus County can fill your cup.

Editions Coffee Shop & Bookstore


咖啡和书是一个标志性的组合,你可以在 Editions Coffee Shop & Bookstore这是一家由历史悠久的磨坊改造而成的书店,出售新书和旧书、拼图、游戏和当地艺术品. 咖啡馆还举办特别活动,包括作家签售会、知识问答之夜和作家小组. 点一杯咖啡,或者季节性的最爱,比如“毛衣天气”,或者一杯秋天的拿铁,一边喝着咖啡,一边在书架上寻找你的下一本书.

Local Patriot Roasting Co.


A combination coffee shop and roaster, Local Patriot pours fresh coffee and sells beans to brew at home. Purchase a bag of Life Without Brakes, a medium blend from Nicaragua, or Liberty and Java for All, a Brazilian medium roast.

在市中心一家爱国者和老兵开的店, 顾客可以通过为急救人员和退伍军人购买物品来传递爱心. 该店以其他方式回馈社区,包括与2021年纳斯卡Xfinity系列冠军车手、卡纳波利斯本地人丹尼尔·赫姆里克(Daniel Hemric)合作. A portion of sales from the Colombian-Nicaraguan blend, Head Down Fin Up, 为本地学生提供皇冠hg0088正网网址奖学金, Rowan-Cabarrus社区学院的焊接或机械工程专业.

Rocky River Coffee Co.


Dubbed the place “where community happens” since 2004, Rocky River Coffee Co. 提供滴滤和冰咖啡、法式咖啡、白摩卡和更多的最爱. 除了你的咖啡,试着吃点早餐,包括百吉饼、墨西哥卷饼或煎锅. 如果你想在下午停下来提神,可以选择热帕尼尼三明治、卷饼等.

Have an occasion coming up? They also operate Drip by Rocky River Coffee, 一个全方位服务的移动咖啡馆,包括一个浓缩咖啡吧与咖啡师的特殊事件.

Press & Porter


抓一个小吃和当地的商品,而啜饮一些从季节性菜单 Press & Porter. 这家位于康科德市中心的咖啡店通过与其他小企业合作提供烘焙食品,为当地的咖啡和其他产品提供支持, craft beer, fresh grab-and-go food items, gifts and more. Located next to locally owned Goldberry Books 在联合街(Union Street),它是另一个搭配咖啡和有趣读物的好选择.

Verb Coffee


Stop by Verb Coffee for a delicious breakfast or pastries with your coffee. 咖啡馆提供新鲜的咖啡和特别喜欢的卡布奇诺,浓缩咖啡和拿铁咖啡.

Verb also roasts their own beans. 他们的单一原产地和混合咖啡包括埃塞俄比亚咖啡与新鲜樱桃的暗示, pineapple and pomegranate, and La Riviera Estate, the flagship coffee from Finca La Riviera in Colombia.

Allegiance Coffee


All of the coffee served at Allegiance Coffee 由经过认证的有机咖啡豆制成,在Haerfest咖啡烘焙公司烘焙.这家当地的烘焙工坊雇佣了有发育障碍的成年人.

这家店的使命是通过咖啡影响社区,而不仅仅是咖啡豆. Throughout the year, 这家咖啡店举办快闪店和社区活动,比如“和警察一起喝咖啡”,以帮助打破公民和执法部门之间的障碍.

Café Lentz

Mt. Pleasant

想在市中心喝杯好咖啡,找个舒适的地方放松一下. Pleasant, head to Café Lentz. Choose from drip coffee, cold brew, cappuccino and more. 把你的饮料和面包店里的东西搭配在一起,在Cicada工作室充满活力的壁画旁享受它. Or, order from neighboring 73 & Main’s menu and dine al fresco on the Café Lentz patio.

这个地方位于历史悠久的伦茨大楼内,与另一个当地的瑰宝相邻, The Bakery at Mount Pleasant.

Cairn Coffee Roaster


凯恩咖啡烘焙机是康科德的小批量烘焙机,经过美国公平贸易认证, 这意味着他们从咖啡农那里采购咖啡豆,这些咖啡农因负责任的生产而获得了合理的工资. Coffees like Base Camp, a Guatemalan blend with smooth chocolate notes, and New Moon, a dark Sumatra coffee from Indonesia, taste great and support coffee-growing communities. 所有新鲜烘焙咖啡销售的一部分用于支持环保组织.

“我的建议是找到当地自己烘焙咖啡豆的咖啡店,或者从当地的烘焙商那里购买咖啡豆,然后去他们的店里看看,” Blaine Freeman says. “他们会给你介绍不同的咖啡,帮你找到你喜欢的.”

弗里曼给喝咖啡的人带来了更多好消息:皇冠hg0088正网网址的咖啡业不仅支持了当地的企业, it supports farmers around the world.

Find Cairn Coffee 在他们的网站上以及该地区的各种当地市场.

OMG Donuts & Bakery in Concord, NC

Also Around Town

There are even more great cafes and coffee shops across Cabarrus County to enjoy including spots like Provided (alongside Southern Strain Brewing and vintage clothing store Nothing New), Waterbean Coffee, Defined (inside Gibson Mill Market), The Holy Grind, French Express, The Percantile & Creamery and more.

Coffee lovers rejoice!

After Your Cup

一旦你喝足了咖啡,是时候去探索卡巴拉斯县的一切了! Check out our events calendar for fun happenings to plan your visit around (including Cars & Coffee!) as well as our comprehensive Destination Guide with even more inspiration for your adventure.

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